NeXT Nugget News Digest (vol. 4, issue 9, August 17, 1992) This is vol. 4, issue 9 of the 1992 NeXT NUGGET NEWS DIGEST - a collection of items of interest for the 15,000+ NeXT User Group members. All previous Nugget Digests are located in the /pub/next/Newletters/Nugget directory on the Purdue archive server site: Conrad Geiger Manager, International NeXT User Groups __________________________________________________________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Last call for submissions for the 1992 Fall Public Domain CD-ROM II. GIS application: FLIG III. The NeXT Developer's Library for NeXTSTEP Release 3.0 IV. NeXT Positions available at Oceania V. Mesa special offer for NeXT User Groups VI. BANGup Magazine Seeks Authors VII. Xanthus International Announces LaserMan VIII. New version of DataPhile (1.0.4) available from Purdue archive site IX. NeXT Systems Engineer Positions Available (Minneapolis & Michigan) __________________________________________________________________ I. Last call for submissions for the 1992 Fall Public Domain CD-ROM ******SUBMISSION DEADLINE****** ****Tuesday, August 18, 1992*** Congratulations and thanks to everyone who has submitted to the NeXT Public Domain CD-ROM for Education! We have more than 350 MB of software for the CD-ROM at this point, representing approximately 150 individuals and institutions. We can give you until this coming Tuesday (August 18) for submissions. After this date, we cannot guarantee that your submissions will be included on the CD-ROM, but you are welcome to send us software for as long as you like. Thanks again to everyone who has helped to make this project a great success! WHAT IS THE NeXT PUBLIC DOMAIN CD-ROM FOR EDUCATION? The Higher Education Marketing group at NeXT Computer, Inc. is gathering educational software that is available either free of charge (freeware) or for minimal costs (shareware) and will distribute the wares via CD-ROM. There will also be a handful of commercial demos (education related) on the CD-ROM, as well some selected demonstration applications developed at NeXT which are not part of NeXT's current product lines. We will consider anything even remotely education related; we even have a section for games. ******SUBMISSION DEADLINE****** ****Tuesday, August 18, 1992*** SUBMISSION GUIDELINES If you have software that you would like to include on the NeXT Public Domain CD-ROM for Education, please observe the following guidelines: 1. Each application should be in a separate directory, along with a README file containing the following sections: a. Who wrote the software and contact information (preferably Internet and US. Mail addresses) for questions, comments, bug reports, etc. b. The category that best describes the software type. c. What the application does. d. What the application is used for at your institution (e.g. in a particular course, to illustrate a certain concept, research). e. Which NeXT release your software was developed under (2.x or NeXTSTEP Pre-Release 3). f. Detailed installation instructions (if any). g. Any other comments you would like to add. 2. All executables must be stripped. This can either be done by typing "make install" to build the application, or by typing "strip " in a UNIX shell. 3. If the software is an Interface Builder palette or an Objective C class, we require a small example application and / or detailed documentation illustrating the tool's function. Please include this in the directory containing the tool. 4. If your software is shareware, we will gladly include any licensing information that you provide for us. Please include such information in the README file. We will also place a file in a conspicuous place on the CD-ROM encouraging people to register any shareware that they use. ******SUBMISSION DEADLINE****** ****Tuesday, August 18, 1992*** HOW TO SUBMIT In order of preference: 1. NeXTmail to: 2. ftp -- just give us the name of the site and the location of the file(s). 3. A 1.44MB or 2.88MB floppy disk sent to: NeXT on Campus NeXT Computer, Inc. 900 Chesapeake Drive Redwood City, CA 94063 If you would like your disk returned, please include a self-addressed envelope. (NeXT will provide return postage.) DISTRIBUTION POLICY Of course, NeXT's education customers will receive first priority in the distribution of the CD-ROM. Beyond education, we have not established distribution plans (we'll announce something later). Of course, we'll give the CD-ROM to anyone (higher ed or otherwise) who submits materials for inclusion on the CD-ROM. NeXT will also distribute the CD-ROM this fall to attendees at the 1992 EDUCOM conference in Baltimore, MD (October 28 - 31). This is your chance for fame! Submit now! David Spitzler Mgr., Higher Education Marketing Jeff Blum Higher Education Technical Assistant __________________________________________________________________ II. GIS application: FLIG FLIG - the flexible information system for geodata connects map display, relational database and algorithms for data manipulation and analysis (e.g. planning). FLIG is envisioned as an open system, so that users can flange their own procedures to the system. The running demo: A raster-based scanned image serving as backdrop, various geo-objects can be displayed (Postscript vector-graphics). A mouse-click on the object displays additional data (texts, graphics). The relational database (Sybase) enables the user to select objects with the same set of characteristics. Zooming is possible. Used successfully for area information system and environmental monitoring system, both with small set of areas / stations. FLIGdemo Demoversion 203 - Bremen we`ve uploaded the current version of FLIGdemo to ( You can download the files FLIGdemo203.README.rtf FLIGdemo203.tar.Z in directory pub/next/submissions from there via anonymous ftp. The version 203 is slightly updated, but still very very demo. Hope this helps Dr. Mario Hilgemeier megatel GmbH, Wiener Strasse 3, Germany, W2800 Bremen 33, Tel. 0421 22095-0 Fax 0421 22095-16 or -30 e-mail: __________________________________________________________________ III. The NeXT Developer's Library for NeXTSTEP Release 3.0 is scheduled for release next month. Publisher: Addison-Wesley. 0-201-63248-9 NeXTSTEP General Reference 0-201-63249-7 NeXTSTEP Development Tools 0-201-63250-0 NeXTSTEP User Interface Guidelines 0-201-63251-9 NeXTSTEP OOP and the Objective-C Lang 0-201-63252-7 NeXTSTEP Operating System Software 0-201-63253-5 NeXTSTEP Programming Interface Summary 0-201-63254-3 NeXTSTEP Network and System Admin __________________________________________________________________ IV. NeXT Positions available at Oceania *** NeXT Positions available at Oceania *** Oceania Health Care Systems is a growing start-up software development company dedicated to improving patient care through a progressive approach aimed at providing health care information management solutions. Oceania is committed to utilizing industry standards, maintaining an open architecture, incorporating the newest advances in hardware, networking/communication and software technologies, and changing the notion of the human machine interface. Our goal is the development of a state of the art computer human interface and database for the clinical environment. We seek qualified candidates in the following areas: System Administration and Support: Perform traditional system administration duties, customer support, and quality assurance. The individual will need Unix experience, networking, and NeXT NetInfo. BS/BA in an engineering related degree with 3-5 years of experience. Network Designer: Perform the design and implementation of a distributed application. The individual will need UNIX, OLTP, Network, TCP/IP, LU6.2, and Client/Server application experience. MS/PhD in an engineering related degree with 5-10 years of experience. Software Implementers: Implementation of a clinical health care application. The individual will need NeXT, OOD, GUI, UNIX, Health Care, multi media, networking, and database experience. BS/MS in an engineering related degree with 3-10 years of experience. Senior Software Developers: Design and Implementation of a clinical health care application. The individual will need strong writing and communication skills, NeXT, OOD, GUI, UNIX, Health Care, multi media, networking, and database experience. MS/PhD in an engineering related degree with 5-15 years of experience. Both full and part-time positions are available with start time and compensation package negotiable. All interested in Oceania and its endeavors are encouraged to mail or FAX a CV/Resume (please no electronic mail) , indicating the position(s) you are interested in, to: Edmund Billings, Jr. MD. 325 Lytton Avenue. Suite 400 Palo Alto, CA 94301 FAX: (415) 322-0142 __________________________________________________________________ V. Mesa special offer for NeXT User Groups Athena Design is offering a free copy of the Mesa spreadsheet to all NeXT user groups that produce a regular NEWSLETTER. If your group would like to receive a copy of Mesa for review in your publication and for group use (no resale or transfer), all you have to do is send Athena Design a copy of your most recent newsletter, and we'll UPS you a copy of Mesa. If you are outside the US, you must pay postage and provide us with details as to how to get the product to you. David Pollack Athena Design, Inc. 17 Saint Mary's Court Boston, MA 02146 Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For Immediate Release Contact: Tracy Kugelman August 4, 1992 Phone: (617) 783-9838 ATHENA DESIGN RELEASES MESA THE NeXT(tm) PLATEAU IN SPREADSHEETS Boston - Today, Athena Design, Inc. released Mesa, the spreadsheet for NeXTSTEP(tm). Mesa, the first traditional spreadsheet written exclusively for the NeXTSTEP operating environment, reads Lotus(r) 1-2-3(r) worksheet files and executes most 1-2-3 macros. Mesa defines the most advanced features of any spreadsheet product while being very easy to use. Mesa will inter-operate with other NeXTSTEP applications including programs from California-based Adamation. Athena Design is working closely with Pages Software to integrate Mesa functionality into Pages' word-processing system. Pages' CEO Larry Spelhaug stated, "We expect some very exciting results. Users will see a very tight integration of a word-processor and spreadsheet functionality right inside Page One." Mesa includes the Mesa Object Library Interface (MOLI) which allows custom programmers to manipulate data in Mesa worksheets, feed data to worksheets in real time, print reports, and include worksheet views and graphs in custom applications. Paul Murphy, a custom application developer with Marble Associates, said, "MOLI makes it very easy for our custom applications to interact and exchange data with Mesa worksheets." Ronald Van Simmons of VNP Software, consultants to First National Bank of Chicago, simply exclaimed, "This is the coolest stuff I've seen." Mesa's use of NeXTSTEP provides streamlined operations for control of color, typeface, and the overall look of the worksheet. Graphic images and charts can be placed anywhere on the worksheet to generate presentation-quality output. Mesa defines some of the most advanced features currently available in spreadsheet programs and sets the standard for many areas of spreadsheet functionality. These advanced features include: - Formula Inheritance - Savable Report Formats - AutoGrow Ranges - SmartFill - Cell Typing and Data Entry Verification - Drag & Drop Font and Color Selection - Animated Drag & Drop Range Moving and Copying - Series Functions - On-sheet and Formula Bar Data Entry Mesa's most innovative feature is function inheritance. "Spreadsheets allow users to change data and see the changes reflected in cells that refer to that data," says Pollak. "We simply extended that paradigm to changes in formulas as well." This enhancement allows users to create spreadsheet models with fewer bugs and in less time. It also simplifies modification and maintenance of spreadsheet models. Previously, spreadsheet users wrote macros or repeatedly entered complex print formatting commands in order to generate reports. Mesa allows users to define and save report formats using a visual report builder, eliminating many superfluous print command steps. Mesa provides users with the ability to build large spreadsheet models... Mesa creates graphic and text representations of spreadsheet data which can be transferred into word-processing, database, presentation software and other applications. Mesa will fully support live data links available with NeXTSTEP release 3.0. Athena Design is committed to quality support of its customers and views Mesa as a solution, not simply a software program. All registered users of Mesa are entitled to unlimited telephone support. Capitalizing on NeXTSTEP's interpersonal computing features, Athena Design will offer e-mail technical support. Users will be able to send spreadsheet models directly to engineers to facilitate response to the customer's issue. Mesa is commercially available from NeXTConnection and authorized NeXT re-sellers. A version that supports a floating license manager will be offered. Many large NeXT customers are evaluating Mesa. __________________________________________________________________ VI. BANGup Magazine Seeks Authors We are rapidly approaching the publication deadline for the October issue of BANGup Magazine, and we need more articles! If you are interested in writing about NeXT, whether the topic be fiction or fact, experience or desire, please get in touch with us! Send us you postal address, electronic mail address, voice and fax telephone numbers (if you don't have one of these, don't worry). We are looking for ideas, articles, and authors who wish to contribute. Include what it is you would like to do for the magazine, and we'll get in touch with you right away! Zacharias J. Beckman Editor in Chief, BANGup Magazine 900 High School Way, Number 2106 Mountain View, CA 94041 415.966.8919 __________________________________________________________________ VII. Xanthus International Announces LaserMan - the Laser Disc Player Controller for the NeXT Computer (Stockholm, August 13, 1992) Xanthus International AB today announced LaserMan, its Laser Disc Player control application for the NeXT computer platform. Aimed at both commercial and in-house corporate multimedia developers, LaserMan is an application for controlling Laser Disc Players from the NeXT computer. LaserMan can control Laser Disc Players either directly through a remote control on the computer screen, or through messages from other applications via a Speaker/Listener interface. For example, LaserMan can be used in combination with Xanthus CraftMan - the multimedia programming tool from Xanthus - to produce complete Laser Disc based multimedia applications in a very short time. LaserMan can also be used to control other consumer electronics like tape recorders and VCRs, and can be configured to control any device with a RS-232 interface. Xanthus International, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is a privately owned software development company that specializes in the NeXTSTEP platform. LaserMan is the second in a series of general-purpose productivity tools for NeXTSTEP. In May 1992 Xanthus started to ship its first product CraftMan, the multimedia programming tool for the NeXT computer. Xanthus International was founded in 1990. For more information about LaserMan please contact: Xanthus International AB Kungstensgatan 14 S-113 57 Stockholm Sweden fax: +46-8-612 89 96 mail: __________________________________________________________________ VIII. New version of DataPhile (1.0.4) available from Purdue archive site From: (Allen Braunsdorf) (Purdue archivist) The new version of DataPhile is available from sonata/nova as: pub/next/2.0-release/demos/DataPhile1.0.4.tar __________________________________________________________________ IX. NeXT Systems Engineer Positions Available (Minneapolis & Michigan) Job Positions Available: Systems Engineer NeXT Computer, Inc. Location: Minneapolis and Michigan NeXT Computer is actively seeking Systems Engineers based in various cities throughout North America. NeXT Systems Engineers provide the technical expertise necessary to close sales, and generally evangelize the NeXT product family. SE's must possess superb technical skills and a sense of innovation, combined with a personality which promotes cooperation, trust, and the sharing of ideas. The successful candidate will have a mix of software engineering skills, and enjoy working with people and new technology. Duties and Responsibilities: - Rapid prototyping of software for feasibility analysis - Technical presentations to all levels of customers - Integration of NeXT computers with existing systems - Technical account management - Provide strategic input and guidance to sales, marketing, and engineering, regarding market conditions, product requirements, and overall program successes or failures Necessary Skills: - Solid software engineering background - Ability to articulate technically complex issues to a wide variety of audiences - Demonstrated aptitude at working independently - Ability to work with limited supervision in an autonomous, results-oriented environment - Ability to work within a team environment - Strong problem solving skills - Ability to juggle multiple tasks - B.S.C.S or equivalent with 4 years experience required; M.S.C.S preferred Relevant Experience: - NeXTSTEP, Objective-C, Mach - UNIX systems programming/systems administration - Object-oriented programming - Advanced application programming in C, LISP, and FORTRAN (or equivalent) - Windowing application development (Macintosh, X11, MSWindows, etc.) - Database application development (Sybase, Oracle, etc.) - TCP/IP, NFS, YP/NIS - PostScript - Pre-sales support experience For more information please send a cover letter, resume, and salary history via email to ... or fax to 312.329.0285. __________________________________________________________________ end